Plans to build a new house on green belt land are set to be turned down – almost 40 years after the first application for housing on the site was lodged.
Broxtowe Borough Council will decide on plans for a new two-bedroom house on land at The Forge, Trowell, Nottinghamshire in the New Year.
Three previous applications to develop the land have all been turned down – including one lodged in 1982 by the British Railways Board.
Since then, a new applicant has lodged two more plans- one in 2010 for a house and a garage and a similar application in 2015, both of which were refused. An appeal was dismissed by planners in 2016.
The land, which is next to a railway, is currently used for the storage of tractors and other machinery.
Councillor Milan Radulovic (Lab), leader of the council, called the application to Planning Committee which will meet on January 5 2022.
Planning officers have concluded that it would be an “inappropriate development in the Green Belt” and asked councillors to refuse the plans during the meeting.
National Planning Policy Framework states that “inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances”.
Council documents added: “The site is washed over by Green Belt and is currently used to store the applicant’s tractors and other machinery within the home-made structures/shed arrangement, constructed out of corrugated steel, wood and tarpaulin.
“The benefits of the proposal would be the provision of one new dwelling which would not have any impact on neighbour amenity to the closest dwelling to the site.
“The negative impacts are that the development would be inappropriate within the Green Belt, have a detriment impact on the openness of the Green Belt more than the existing development and would fail to provide a satisfactory level of amenity for the future occupiers.
“On balance, as no Very Special Circumstances have been demonstrated and the negative impacts are therefore considered to carry sufficient weight to outweigh the benefits of the proposal.”