Rushcliffe police have been visiting primary schools to provide vital road safety advice to children.
More than 600 youngsters at nine primary schools in Rushcliffe have already found out more about staying safe on the streets.
Officers also handed out trading cards of police vehicles and allowed pupils to climb inside a real patrol car.
Now Rushcliffe South Neighbourhood Policing Team want to hear from other schools, as well as Rainbows, Brownies and other groups, within Rushcliffe which are interested in a visit from local officers.
Police Constable Kelly Carlile, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “It’s great to be able to visit schools and engage with pupils – it’s a key part of what we do in neighbourhood policing.
“The road safety message has been a key element of the talks. All children of primary school age must learn the basics of road safety and it will stand them in good stead for the future.
“The visits also allow us to engage with these young people early and highlight the right ways to behave.
“They help create positive relationships between the police and the next generation, which can only be a good thing.”
The Rapid Responder trading cards – based on children’s favourites like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Match Attax – are designed as a way to boost youth engagement.
Officers have also handed out high-visibility wristbands and stickers to all the children who attend the road safety talks.
PC Carlile said: “Since our visit, we’ve had some brilliant feedback from teachers and parents, who have said kids have told them they want to be police officers when they grow up and things like that, which is lovely to hear.”
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