Monday 14 October 2024
6.6 C

Proposals for 70 new homes on land near Sutton Bonington

William Davis Homes have submitted the plans to Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Plans for the development of 70 residential units include 13 3-bed and 36 4-bed homes for the open market, 14 social or rental market homes with  a range of 1-3 bedrooms and 7 affordable homes ranging from 2-3 bedrooms.

The location is on land North of Park Lane in Sutton Bonington.

In the planning statement the developer says:

The site extends to approximately 4.4 hectares and lies to the north of Park Lane, Sutton Bonington.

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The south-eastern boundary of the site is defined by the A6006, along the length of which is a mature hedgerow.

The Midland Mainline lies to the north east of the site and is defined by tree, hedge and shrub planting and a post and wire fence.

The north-west of the site abuts the existing residential properties of Charnwood Fields and Charnwood Avenue, the rear gardens of these properties back onto the site.

Boundary treatments generally consist of fences, hedgerows and other planting of a generally low level, a ditch is also located along this boundary.

Park Lane is located directly to the south-west of the site and is defined by a mature hedgerow.

There are no statutory or non-statutory designations for historic or landscape purposes on the application site.

The site is situated within a sustainable location on the edge of Sutton Bonington, with access to a number of services and facilities within walking and cycling distance.

This full planning application is for the development of 70 dwellings, including access, public open space, drainage and substation.

Access is proposed from Park Lane via a T-Junction. The submitted Transport Assessment demonstrates that the appropriate visibility splays can be achieved either side of the junction, with the removal of three of the existing street trees within the verge on Park Lane to the south of the proposed access. An additional pedestrian access is also proposed onto Park Lane from the proposed public open space.

The surface water drainage strategy proposes a single attenuation basin located adjacent to the south-western boundary, which will drain into a ditch located in the adjacent field on the western side of Park Lane.

A significant level of public open space is proposed located within the southern area of the site. The public open space consists of a community orchard, natural play space and walking routes along with significant levels of tree planting.

There are no public comments on the plans which you can find here.





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