Newly released photos from Nottingham University Hospitals show the progress of the construction of the expanded Neonatal Unit at the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC).
Plans to provide an additional 21 neonatal cots at the Queen’s Medical Centre Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were unveiled in January as construction work commenced.
QMC Neonatal Unit
The project will see the unit almost triple in size to 2,000m2 and increase the number of intensive, high dependency and special care cots from 17 to 38, as well as improving the experience for both staff and families on the unit.
The latest photos released today show the progress which has already been made, including the full demolition of the old unit in East Block, the preparation and levelling of the floor, and putting up partitions for the new internal walls.
“Considerably improve the experience for both our staff and families on the unit.”
Jenni Twinn, Director of the Maternity and Neonatal Programme, said: “Construction work is now well underway and it is exciting to see the new unit beginning to take shape.
“Once the old Neonatal Unit and former offices in the area we are expanding into had been demolished, it was impressive to see the vast space the new Neonatal Unit will cover, and which we know will considerably improve the experience for both our staff and families on the unit.
“Looking ahead, works will shortly begin on setting out the lighting and ventilation grilles for the unit. This will ensure appropriate ventilation in all areas and help us to provide a calming and soothing environment through a variety of lighting options, including colour and levels of brightness, in both clinical and non-clinical areas.
“We are pleased that work is progressing at pace and that we remain on track for our planned timeline which will see us open to families in December 2024.”
City Hospital Neonatal Unit
Following relocation to the new, expanded unit at QMC, the Neonatal Unit at City Hospital will become a ‘Local Neonatal Unit’, where babies can continue to receive high dependency and special care and be managed in intensive care for up to 48 hours, before being transferred to the QMC for longer term care where needed.
In addition, a small number of specialist deliveries of those who are anticipated to need surgical care and of those who are the most preterm, will be planned to take place at QMC. This will be on a case by case basis, following national recommendations, to enable the best outcomes for our most vulnerable babies. All such cases will be discussed with the families during midwife and consultant reviews.
Nottingham Hospitals Charity
In addition to the Maternity and Neonatal Redesign programme, as part of its Big Appeal, Nottingham Hospitals Charity will be funding several enhancements for the new unit. These include specialist training areas, equipment and improvements to make the whole environment, and particularly the family areas and parent accommodation, as welcoming as possible while their premature babies are being cared for in the unit.
The Big Appeal
Nottingham Hospitals Charity recently launched the next phase of its Big Appeal where they aim to raise £1.5million for Nottingham Children’s Hospital over the next three years.
People across the East Midlands can support the Big Appeal by making a donation, taking part in one of Nottingham Hospitals Charity’s fundraising events, holding their own event, or pledging a gift in their will. To find out more about the Big Appeal or to make a donation, please visit www.