Rushcliffe Borough Council was created in 1974, 50 years ago today.
A spokesperson said:
‘Our golden anniversary is today (April 1) at Rushcliffe Borough Council marking 50 years since its creation as a Council in 1974.
‘Here’s a snapshot of its history in this film and the authority thank residents for all they do to make Rushcliffe what it is as a great place with great lifestyle and great sport.
‘A Rushcliffe Arena atrium-based display will feature in the coming weeks providing a historical timeline of how the Council has evolved and just some of the wonderful places and people that have shaped the Borough in the last half a century.
‘Look out for more golden themed celebrations at our events this year including Proms in the Park, Lark in the Park, the Taste of Rushcliffe Food Festival and the Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards.’