Event organisers are being reminded to stringently check they have all COVID secure measures in place to ensure the safety of those who attend planned community or other gatherings.
Following the government’s roadmap extension of step 3 to July 19, Rushcliffe Borough Council is aware of the great lengths many organisers are going to ensuring their planned events can still go ahead.
However with some organisers anticipating all restrictions would now have been lifted, the authority is asking them to contact its Environmental Health and Licensing Teams, should they have any questions or need to clarify legislation.
They can email envhealth@rushcliffe.gov.uk or call 0115 981 9911.
All organisers:
• Must have a COVID-19 risk assessment and an event management plan in place
• Ensure social distancing is adhered to and a plan and ability to enforce this
• Limits on capacity of the event area, either 4,000 capacity or 50% capacity, whichever is the lowest
• Must use the NHS Track and Trace QR code or manually record name and contact details. If one person has booked for a group, all details of all attendees need to be recorded
• Ensure plans for government guidelines such as table service for alcohol sales
• Should ensure performers and acts stick to the Performing Arts guidance available at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/performing-arts
• Should consider queue management for entry and exit points and for using toilets
• Should have a suitable number of COVID-19 marshalls on site to help promote compliant behaviour
• Should ensure they discuss with the Council’s Licensing team on the need for a Temporary Event Notice
• Assess if other measures are required in line with their risk assessments and event management plans
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We know how important local events are to our communities and we are reminding organisers to ensure you check, and check again, all your obligations are met before proceeding with an event.
“We are here to help guide you through the process and aware of the huge volume of resources, staffing and volunteer efforts that may be required.
“Please remember every aspect of a risk assessment and event management plan must be in place and the measures are necessary to protect your communities and event goers. Email or call us and we will assist wherever we can.”