A list of planning applications submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council this week.
- Erection of a general-purpose agricultural building
Blackford Bridge Farm Longhedge Lane Sibthorpe Nottinghamshire NG23 5PN
- Erection of New two storey dwelling including associated landscaping and access works (Resubmission of 22/00162/FUL)
3 Derry Lane Bingham Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG13 8DG
- Construction of a single storey rear glass room extension
14 Franklin Drive Tollerton Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 4ER
- Temporary light timber new build construction, for the use as a site office and show home.
Land North Of 2-4 The Square Keyworth Nottinghamshire
- Demolition of existing sunroom, attached outbuilding and detached garage. Construction of single storey rear extension to bungalow (Resubmission of 21/02900/FUL)
25 Waddington Drive West Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG2 7GT
- Non material amendment of planning application 19/01217/FUL to change the brick wall on the side elevation to fencing and insert a side gate on the front elevation.
19 Studland Way West Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG2 7TS
- Proposed single storey rear extension, replace front garage door with window.
53 Belfry Way Edwalton Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 4FA
- Proposed single storey front, side and rear extensions, new side dormers windows, raising height of main roof, windows to first floor side elevation. External alterations include to existing fenestration and doors, addition of feature louvred panels, zinc cladding, feature canopies to front, side and rear. Application of render.
8 Boundary Road West Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG2 7BY
- Removal of Existing Conservatory. Two storey rear extension with first floor extension element and Single storey ground Side/rear Extension.
Rose Cottage Main Road Shelton Newark Nottinghamshire NG23 5JQ
- Variation of Condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 19/01918/FUL to make alterations to plots 3 and 4
2 Johns Road Radcliffe On Trent Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 2GW
- Demolish existing bungalow and construct new bungalow
1 Hotchley Bungalows Bunny Lane East Leake Loughborough LE12 6JE
- Resubmission of previously withdrawn scheme (21/02160/FUL), to include; single storey rear / side extension with extended raised patio to rear.
8 William Road West Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG2 7QD
- Demolition and replacement of single storey detatched outbuilding to front
42 The Banks Bingham Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG13 8BT
- Demolition of outbuilding.
42 The Banks Bingham Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG13 8BT
- Erection of detatched 2 storey dwelling
18 St Marys Crescent Ruddington Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG11 6FQ
- Erection of tractor/mower shed
Greenways Hoe Lane Cropwell Butler Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 3AE
- Enlargement of existing loft space – new rear dormer, extension to roof to form a gable end and a new rooflight to front elevation
63 Grantham Road Radcliffe On Trent Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 2HE
- Discharge of Conditions 5 (Contaminated Land Report), 6 (Construction Method Statement),7 (Construction Methodology Canal Bank), 8 (Method statement foundations),9 (Sustainable drainage strategy) and 11 (Landscaping scheme) from planning permission 20/01875/FUL
Colston Bridge Farm Colston Road Cropwell Bishop Nottinghamshire NG12 3BJ
- Single storey side/front extension. Alterations to existing front boundary wall.
3 Meteor Close Newton Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG13 8ZL
- Erection of bungalow, Demolition of existing garage to create access and parking
Land To Rear Of 47 Cropwell Road Radcliffe On Trent Nottinghamshire NG12 2FQ
- Erection of two-storey dwelling (Revised plans include erection of car port and alterations to front access and boundary treatments).
15 Brickyard Lane East Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG13 8NJ