Rushcliffe Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Tim Cuthbert provides a detailed look at the latest initiatives and results for April 2024.
Tim writes:
‘Some crime updates first, and we’ve been analysing some trends. Year on year, compared to the same quarter in 2023, this year we’ve seen a 43% reduction in domestic burglaries in Rushcliffe which is great news, and also following our recent concerns around theft of motorbikes, we’ve seen a considerable reduction this month following some key arrests from local officers, and the recovery of several stolen motorbikes.
‘The beat team have been busy with another warrant locating a cannabis grow, with a male being charged and remanded.
‘As with the reduction in burglaries, these successes are only achieved with help and support from the public, and calls in to us with suspicions or information.
‘We’re making steady progress in relation to problem solving jointly with Rushcliffe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council as well colleagues at the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station to tackle car cruising, and I was also pleased to see the smooth running of the major roadworks which took place on the A52 over a 3-week period in March. These works were supported by officers to ensure there were no interruptions in the works, and I thank the local residents of Radcliffe on Trent for their patience.

‘As updated at the Radcliffe on Trent Annual Parish Assembly, I’m also involved in a multi-agency working group around the restoration of the bank next to the public footpath over the A52 which has recently been closed due to damage, and I hope progress will be made there soon following surveys conducted.
‘The next few weeks will see a restructure of our Neighbourhood Policing Teams across the whole force area. This is part of a focus on boosting the NPT staffing numbers, reducing abstractions for other duties, and allowing officers to have more capacity to focus on the three pillars of Neighbourhood Policing; Community Engagement, Targeted Activity & Solving Problems.

‘What this means for Rushcliffe is an increase of the staffing on Rushcliffe South.
‘We’ll welcome the arrival of Police Sgt Dave Hodson who joins us to lead the new 3rd team, and he has around 20 years of policing experience across Neighbourhood Policing, response, and partnership working.

‘The staffing, once all in post, will in essence double up the coverage on our Rushcliffe South area, providing double the amount of officer time for our rural communities and towns such as Bingham, Radcliffe, and East Leake.
‘This is an exciting opportunity for us, and I hope in the coming months, you’ll see increased visibility & activity in your local areas, as well as increasing our ability to offer a presence in the local night time economies.
‘Again, thank you for the support you offer our officers every day, and together, we’ll keep Rushcliffe a safe place to live, work, and visit.’
Tim Cuthbert
Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, Rushcliffe