Rushcliffe residents in privately rented accommodation are being asked to complete a short anonymous online survey on their living conditions and alert the authority if living in a property with significant damp or mould problems.
The survey is being carried out by Rushcliffe Borough Council to find out how prevalent the issues are in privately rented houses in the area and the results could help shape work with landlords and tenants to manage the risks they can cause.
Tenants can now give feedback, completely anonymously, in this online survey – open until Tuesday January 31 or call the Council’s Customer Services team on 0115 981 9911.
Even in warm, well ventilated, and generally looked after properties, mould growth can occur in some parts of the home, especially in the colder months.
There are approximately 7,000 privately rented households in Rushcliffe which make up about 15% of all accommodation types.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton said: “We want to make privately rented homes in the Borough decent, safe and comfortable places to live as much as possible.
“Damp and mould in homes have been linked to some respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma and can also affect the immune system. We want to raise awareness of the effects of damp and mould and further prevent these health risks.
“If you are a tenant with a private landlord and live in Rushcliffe, we want to hear from you if your property suffers with damp and mould issues. Please take the time to complete the survey so we can alert landlords further as to their responsibilities.”
Further information, including advice on preventing damp and mould is available on the Council’s website.
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