Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Council Tax level will again be the lowest in Nottinghamshire and those in bands A-D could see no increase in Council Tax for the 12 months from April, subject to a Full Council vote.
The authority’s Cabinet will discuss the proposals at its meeting on February 14 where it will set out figures which means its Council Tax charge could remain in the lowest 25% in the country and again the lowest in Nottinghamshire.
In a move to further reflect the cost-of-living crisis, the Cabinet will also discuss proposals to discount Council Tax bills for those in bands A-D which includes over 60% of properties in the Borough.
The discount will be applied from April when new bills are issued for the new Council Tax year.
It means most residents will not pay the proposed below inflation increase of £3.02 or 2% on a band D property for the Rushcliffe part of the bill.
The discount could be introduced in addition to central government’s Council Tax Support Fund providing up to £25 reduction on Council Tax bills for those in receipt of Local Council Tax Support.
The Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Customer Access Cllr Gordon Moore said: “We will discuss this proposed budget mindful of the current cost of living issues and we are proposing to remain the lowest council tax charge in Nottinghamshire and within the lowest 25% in the country.
“Should it be agreed at Cabinet and then at a Full Council meeting in March, it will mean no increase in council tax for those residents in Council Tax Bands A to D.
“We need to ensure the Council’s services and resources are sufficient to meet both current and future needs in the face of the challenge of a tough financial climate.
“However we are doing so without impacting further on a majority of residents’ pockets, appreciating the financial pressures households are facing.
“We are committed to providing excellent value services for our residents whilst delivering major new infrastructure including our new Bingham Arena leisure centre and Enterprise Centre, Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium and a commitment to our climate change reduction initiatives.”
The Full Council meeting on March 2 will discuss the Cabinet’s proposed outcome on the budget from the February 14 meeting.
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