A violent man who beat up a man over a £125 debt has been jailed.
Dean Barsley, 38, entered his victim’s home and assaulted him by kicking and punching him in the face.
The attack left the man with a swollen and bruised eye.
Barsley then took £100 cash from the injured man’s wallet and threatened to damage his flat unless he gave him another £100 the next day.
The incident was reported and Barsley, of Kingston Road, Worksop, was arrested and charged.
A jury at found him guilty of blackmail and assault occasioning actual bodily harm following at trial at Nottingham Crown Court.
He was sentenced today (22 September) to four years in prison.
Barsley, who has 17 previous convictions for 24 offences including affray and theft, was also made subject of an indefinite restraining order not to contact his victim. He was told to expect another five years in prison if he breaches the order.
PC Hollie Marsh, who led the investigation, said: “Barsley is a violent criminal who terrorised a vulnerable man. I am delighted that he will now spend a very considerable period of time behind bars.
“This investigation could not have been successful without the bravery of his victim, who showed enormous courage in coming forward and giving evidence about the ordeal Barsley had put him through.
“Nottinghamshire Police will never tolerate violence and will do everything we can to bring perpetrators to justice.”