Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV, pollen count and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather Friday 3 May
Cloudy with showers, thundery at times. Rain from afternoon.
Cloudy and unsettled with westward moving showers, turning heavy and thundery at times. Showers turning into longer spells of rain during the afternoon. Light winds. Maximum temperature 14 °C.
Rain with heavy downpours possible, starting to slowly clear from the southeast during the early hours. Temperatures similar to last night and winds remaining light. Minimum temperature 9 °C.
Dry with bright spells initially. Spells of sunshine developing from late morning with the small chance of a shower. Showers dying out overnight with clear spells and fog patches developing. Maximum temperature 17 °C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Remaining unsettled to start with showers or spells of rain, perhaps thunder at times. On Tuesday, becoming dry with lengthy bright or sunny spells by afternoon.