The page aims to raise £5,000 to set up the charity ‘Olivia’s Smile’ – providing hands on support to children and the school community following the death of a pupil.
Aimee Wood, a teacher at West Bridgford Junior School aims to raise the money to launch a charity Olivia’s Smile.
Olivia, 5, was taken into hospital for surgery in February 2020.
She was believed to be recovering but then suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in her hospital bed.
At the time of publishing the page has raised over £2,000 of its target.
The fund-raising page reads:
‘For those of you that know me, you are likely to already know about my aspirations to set up a charity in memory of Olivia but you may have come across this page without knowing about me and ‘my story’.
‘In true Aimee style, I felt an introduction video (below) was the best way to share my new venture to help children and school communities following the death of a pupil.
‘Every single penny donated via this page will 100% directly help in setting up and launching the charity and help children and school communities following the death of a pupil.
‘All registered charities abide by a total transparency policy and although not yet registered, I will still ensure the same.
‘Watch this space – I am so excited about this and hope I can pull it off. Thanks so much to my amazing family and friends who are supporting me along this crazy mission of mine – I feel sure I can help make a difference to children and school communities following the death of a pupil and I really hope I can make this work and do Olivia proud. I’m determined to try and help people keep their smiles amid their sadness!
“Life is still worthwhile if you just smile”
If you would like to help click the link below to donate: