Work begins at the end of September on improvements to Queensbridge Road between Sheriffs Way and Traffic Street.
The scheme, which will improve the area outside of the Vat and Fiddle pub, will kick off on 26 September, and is expected to be completed by March 2023.
This project is part of Nottingham and Derby’s Transforming Cities programme.
Working in partnership, Nottingham City and Derby City Councils secured a total of £161m from the Department for Transport to invest in a range of local transport infrastructure schemes that will improve sustainable transport, support growth, and encourage more low carbon journeys.
The Queensbridge Road scheme, close to the new HMRC Unity Square building, will:
Create a wide area of public realm that accommodates walking, cycling and scooters, with most of the car traffic removed
Add new social areas with seating and chess tables being created from previous car parking spaces
Include a new safer shared pedestrian and cycle path with no through road
Plant new trees and a new hedge to screen the road, reducing noise and air pollution
Vehicle access will be maintained for businesses, and new car parking spaces for blue badge holders will be available on Traffic Street to ensure that anyone who really needs to park nearby can.
During the works, the pedestrian route through the area will be maintained but cyclists will be asked to dismount to go through the works or use the road.
Councillor Audra Wynter, Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Parks said: “It’s brilliant to see another project starting work as part of the broader Transforming Cities programme, which will bring so many positive changes to Nottingham.
“I look forward to seeing the new-look, more social and communal space develop and I want to thank residents and commuters in advance for their patience during these works.”