A break-in has forced Nottinghamshire County Council to cut the sale price of a former children’s home the authority has been trying to sell after it was closed down.
The decision was made to sell Minster View in Southwell in June 2023 but before the sale could fully go through, the home was broken into in autumn. Damage was done to the property and copper piping was stolen.
The deal with the original buyer has been “renegotiated” as a result, the council says.
The authority says the building would be redeveloped for a ‘residential-led scheme’.
Children with learning disabilities were moved out of Minster View in November 2020.
The council said at the time an “emerging picture” of lacking best practice at the home was behind the move, alongside pandemic-related staff shortages.
The council has also shifted its approach towards smaller homes based in residential parts of the county which replicate traditional home environments.
Council papers reveal that the home was broken into before the sale price negotiation.
Cllr Keith Girling (Con) the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Asset Management at Nottinghamshire said: “I am very disappointed the building has been broken into.
“The deal is currently in a commercially sensitive period.
“The public will see all the facts and figures as and when the deal goes through.”
County Council documents stated: “Since this approval and in advance of the sale being completed the property has been subject to unauthorised access causing damage and removal of copper pipework.
“In light of this, the sale price has been renegotiated to reflect the current condition of the building and the amended terms are outlined in the exempt appendix to this report.
“The property could be re-marketed and sold in its current condition or following reinstatement works which would remedy the damage.
“In the opinion of our agent, the market conditions for this type of asset have not improved since the time of the informal tender and market evidence
suggests that a higher price or improved terms would not be achievable by the Council.
“The prevailing use of the property is for redevelopment into a residential-led scheme and due to a rise in interest rates, residential property values have marginally decreased since the time the bids were received in April 2023.”
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