The rate in the city is currently 263 per 100,000 residents.
At a press briefing on Friday 17 September Lucy Hubber, Director of Public Health for Nottingham city said:
‘It’s only in the last couple of weeks that we’ve begun to see a decline in our case rates, currently in Nottingham city we’re at 263 cases per 100,000 people, that’s compared to an England rate of about 297.
‘We’ve looked really carefully and closely at where these figures have declines, and it’s across allures of the city, and across all age groups.
‘Very encouragingly we’ve also seen a reduction in the positivity rate, that’s the number of people who get tested then go on the have a positive PCR test. And that suggests that the amount of Covid in the city is reducing, it’s still much higher than we would want it to be as we approach winter months.
‘We know that viruses thrive in indoor situations, we can expect cases to increase as the weather becomes colder and we tend to move to indoor locations.
‘The message is – Covid hasn’t gone away – residents have been fantastic wearing face coverings and taking care. We think this is contributing to a reduction in rates.
‘As we move into winter months, even if you’re vaccinated getting tested is still important.
‘Wear a face covering, try and limit your time in indoor spaces, get vaccinated.’
Louise Lester, Public Health Consultant for Nottinghamshire County Council echoed the comments by Lucy HUbber, cases again are reducing in all districts and boroughs across the county, but are still high, she said.
• 16 September: 533 Covid cases in Nottinghamshire over 24 hours – see figures in your area