Saturday 29 June 2024
18.1 C

Man and woman found dead at Nottinghamshire property

Police officers were called to a property in Blackbrook Road, Newark just after 10am today (Tuesday 25 June).

A man and a woman, known to each other, were pronounced dead at the scene.

A cordon is in place while a thorough investigation takes place.

Detective Inspector Craig Hall, who is leading the investigation, said:

“First and foremost, our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of those affected by this tragic incident.

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“An investigation into the circumstances surrounding these two deaths is ongoing and is very much in its early stages.

“I’d like to reassure members of the community that while we are keeping an open mind, we do not currently believe there is any wider risk to the public.

“We would also ask the public to respect the privacy of family members at what is an incredibly difficult time for them. They are being supported by specially trained officers.

“If anyone has any information about the incident, please call 101, quoting incident number 167 of 25 June 2024 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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