Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Thursday 24 October
The early morning starts off cool with temperatures around 9°C to 10°C between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, feeling like 8°C due to mild winds from the south-southeast at speeds between 6–8 mph. Wind gusts during these hours may reach up to 23 mph, accompanied by a relatively high humidity level of 92–93%.
As the day progresses, skies will clear further, offering bright sunshine and rising temperatures. By noon, temperatures will hit 14°C, and by mid-afternoon, temperatures will peak at 16°C, with “feels-like” temperatures close behind at 14°C. The wind will pick up slightly, with speeds between 9–10 mph and gusts reaching 25–26 mph from the south-southeast. Despite the increase in wind activity, visibility remains very good (VG) throughout most of the afternoon, and humidity drops to as low as 66%.
In the evening, temperatures will cool slightly, dropping to around 12–13°C by 7:00 PM, with winds shifting to the southeast and decreasing in speed to about 5–8 mph. Gusts will also reduce significantly. By nighttime, cloud cover increases, although the chance of precipitation remains below 5%. Humidity rises again towards the night, reaching 90% by 11:00 PM, with a consistent temperature of 12°C. Visibility remains good through the late evening.