The weather forecast for Monday 17 March in Nottinghamshire.
Early Morning: Monday morning will start off cold, with temperatures around 5°C at 4:00 AM, gradually dropping to 2°C by sunrise. Cloud cover will be present early in the morning, with a small chance of precipitation (10-20%) before 6:00 AM. Winds will be blowing from the north-east at around 6-7 mph, with humidity levels remaining high at 85-87%.
Midday: By late morning, temperatures will start to rise, reaching 7°C by 10:00 AM and 9°C by midday. The skies will remain mostly cloudy, but the chance of rain will be minimal. Winds will shift slightly towards the east-north-east at around 9-10 mph. Humidity levels will gradually decrease, ranging from 67-77%.
Afternoon: The afternoon will bring the warmest temperatures of the day, peaking at around 10°C between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Cloud cover will begin to break up, with some sunny spells expected. Winds will strengthen slightly, reaching speeds of 11-12 mph from the east. Humidity will continue to decrease, reaching around 46% by late afternoon.
Evening: As the evening progresses, temperatures will drop steadily, reaching 7°C by 6:00 PM and falling further to 2°C by midnight. The sky will be clear, with no chance of rain. Winds will shift to an easterly direction at speeds of 6-12 mph. By late evening, temperatures could reach as low as -1°C, making for a chilly night.
Overall, Monday will be a dry but cool day, with a mix of clouds and sunshine. The clear skies in the evening will lead to a cold night.