The weather forecast for Saturday 11 January in Nottinghamshire.
The day begins cold with fog patches persisting until mid-morning. Temperatures will hover around -3°C, feeling like -5°C, with light winds from the south-south-east at 2 mph. Visibility will be very poor in areas of dense fog, so take extra care if traveling. The skies will remain overcast with mist patches lifting by late morning. Humidity will remain high, at around 101–102%.
By lunchtime, the fog will clear to give way to sunny spells. Temperatures will rise slightly to 0°C, feeling closer to -3°C. Winds will shift slightly to come from the south-west at 2 mph, keeping conditions calm. Visibility improves significantly, and humidity will begin to drop, reaching 94% by midday.
Sunshine continues into the afternoon with the temperature peaking at 1°C. It will feel slightly chilly at around -1°C. Winds remain light at 2 mph from the south-west, and visibility remains good, although mist may return later in the afternoon. Humidity will decrease to around 90% by 3 PM.
As night falls, the temperature will drop back to around -1°C, with clear skies giving way to mist later in the evening. Winds will stay light, shifting south-west to south-south-west at 2–3 mph. Humidity will remain high, increasing to 98–100%, creating potential for frost and fog patches overnight. Visibility will become poor once again as mist and fog reappear.