Installation of new parking meters is now complete in West Bridgford as the countdown begins to the introduction of on-street parking charging in some areas of the town which is expected to start by the end of the month.
Preparation for the scheme has been underway for some time. Visitors to the area will have noticed new signs have been erected and are currently bagged over. New lining on Davies Road and Rectory Road is also underway.
There are 11 streets in the scheme. In each case, the first 30 minutes of parking will be free, but it will be essential to obtain a ticket. Any car not displaying a ticket may be liable for a penalty charge.
The aim of this scheme is to create more short-term parking in the town centre and to increase footfall. Any surplus income from fines will be reinvested in highway and transport improvements.
Those streets furthest away from the town centre on Bridgford Road, Fox, and Hound Roads offer no limit on how long drivers can park while paying a charge. For streets closer to the centre, a maximum stay of 3 hours will be implemented. Those streets are Albert Road, Davies Road, Church Drive, Florence Road, Gordon Road, Gordon Square, Priory Road and Rectory Road. The costs are in line with those in the adjacent car parks belonging to Rushcliffe Borough Council.
For Fox and Hound Roads where the spaces are immediately adjacent to the residential properties, there will be a hybrid scheme with the option for residents to purchase a residents’ permit which would exempt them from the charges. Letters have gone to eligible residents explaining how to obtain permits for the bays and the regulations around them.
Blue Badge holders will not be impacted by the changes to the restrictions as they can continue to park without charge.
How to pay for your parking
The Pay and Display machines are very easy to use. They are all solar powered to reduce their climate impact and the screens are bright with a simple intuitive process that will be familiar to motorists.
Free 30-minute tickets can easily be obtained and for longer periods payments can be made in seconds with the contactless option or with cash. The screens will also show when the scheme starts and additional temporary signs will be erected at all parking areas impacted by the changes. A pay by phone option will also be available shortly.
All parking is free for 30 minutes but always please get a ticket and clearly display it.
For the first few weeks after payments start, enforcement officers will be available to help and advise. You can also submit any questions to
A highways manager from Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “We would like to thank all the residents, shoppers, local businesses, and partners for their feedback all through the process of our on-street parking consultation. We have listened carefully to the feedback and addressed any concerns raised.
“We are confident that increasing the number of parking ‘slots’ available in a day can help bring in a greater number of visitors to enjoy the retail and hospitality offers which will ensure the long-term vitality of the town, indeed none of the businesses responding to the consultation objected to our plans.
“The 30-minute free parking will encourage that footfall, with people popping into West Bridgford for their shopping or services. Please don’t forget your ticket though, even if making a quick stop.”
“We are actively monitoring all streets in West Bridgford with our CCTV car to identify any changes in parking patterns.”
There is more information and some FAQs on the project in the parking section of our website:
The roads, and proposed changes are as follows:
Albert Road, Florence Road, Gordon Road, Gordon Square, Rectory Road (south) and Priory Road
Conversion of all existing limited waiting parking areas into short-stay 3 hours pay and display with 30 minutes free parking.
Bridgford Road
Conversion of existing free parking bays into long-stay pay and display bays (no upper daily limit) with 30 minutes free parking.
Church Drive, Davies Road and Rectory Road (north).
Introduce new restrictions of short-stay 3 hours pay and display parking provision with 30 minutes free parking.
Fox Road and Hound Road
New long stay pay and display (no upper daily limit) / residents parking.
This will depend on the time, and where you wish to park.
The charges for long and short-stay parking are detailed below. In all instances, the first half hour will be free of charge but a ticket will need to be displayed in the vehicle.
Short stay parking charges
8am – 8pm (All days) Max stay 3 hours, will be as follows:
0 – 30 mins Free
Up to 1 hr £1.50
Up to 2 hrs £2.50
Up to 3 hrs £3.50
Long stay parking charges
8am – 8pm, (All days) will be as follows:
0 – 30 mins Free
Up to 1 hr £1.50
Up to 2 hrs £2.50
Up to 3 hrs £3.50
Up to 4 hrs £4.50
Over 4 hours £6.00
Residents’ permit charge
£40 for either a residents’ or visitors’ permit. Free for Blue Badge holders or those over 75.