This year Nottingham Tamil Kuzhumam also known as NTK ,celebrated the Tamil New Year , known as Puthandu or Varusha Pirappu in Tamil on 28th April at the Becket School in West Bridgford.
It is a significant celebration for the Tamil community, marking the start of the Tamil calendar year.
It usually falls on April 14th each year and coincides with the traditional solar new year in the lunisolar calendar.
This festival holds deep cultural importance for Tamilians worldwide.
This festival is also associated with agriculture and the harvest season. It marks the time when farmers start preparing their lands for cultivation. It’s a time for spiritual reflection, seeking blessings for prosperity, happiness, and well-being for the coming year.
Nottingham Tamil Kuzhumam, hosted a grand Tamil New year feast known as ” Puthandu Vazha Ilai Virundhu ” which is basically a traditional meal served on a banana leaf.
The feast typically includes a variety of dishes both vegetarian and Meat, each carefully placed on the banana leaf in a specific order.
The meal is usually eaten by hand, and the banana leaf serves as a traditional, eco-friendly plate. The arrangement of dishes on the leaf follows a specific order, with the rice placed in the center and the other dishes arranged around it.
This feast not only celebrates the beginning of the new year but also reflects the richness and diversity of Tamil culinary traditions. Each dish has its own unique flavors and textures, creating a harmonious and satisfying dining experience.
This extravagant heart filling lunch was followed by various authentic cultural activities like Bharatanatyam Dance, Tamil folk dance, Tamil recitals and various other programs that reflect the rich heritage and traditions of Tamil Nadu. These activities are deeply rooted in history and are cherished by Tamil communities around the world.
Through such celebrations, Nottingham Tamil Kuzhumam (NTK), looks to maintain a strong connection to their roots, preserve cultural traditions, and pass on their heritage to future generations, regardless of geographical distance. The occasion serves as a meaningful reminder of their Tamil identity and values.The collective spirit of 60 plus families and in total over 300+ individuals graced this jubilant occasion.
On the occasion Nottingham Tamil Kuzhumam (NTK) also opened up about its current initiatives like opening a Tamil library for Intellectual wellbeing and Commencing Kalari(ancient Tamil martial arts)/Zumba sessions for Physical wellbeing. NTK also opened up on its upcoming initiatives to support children on exploring environmental wellbeing. All this can be seen on its website