A motion to declare a Climate Emergency was passed at Nottinghamshire County Council’s Full Council meeting today 27 May.
The motion was voted for unanimously.
Climate Emergency
The Council formally agrees to declare a Climate Emergency, and to delegate the new Transport & Environment Committee to take the lead in considering, agreeing, and overseeing measures to deliver against the council’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality in all its activities by 2030.
In May 2019, a motion calling for the Council to set a carbon neutral target and closely monitor carbon emissions received unanimous support from councillors. Then in in October 2020, the Council agreed to commit to carbon neutrality in all its activities by 2030 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Already 74% of councils in England and Wales have already declared a climate emergency, so this motion has been a long time coming and it urgently needs to turn into action.
Extinction Rebellion Nottingham told The Wire: “We welcome this Climate Emergency declaration today as it was our first demand to the County Council during our nine day Climate Camp. We are happy that they have listened and they have now joined the City Council in declaring a Climate Emergency.
“We eagerly await the next step and ask the Council to make a start by divesting the pension fund from fossil fuels and cancelling plans to build another polluting incinerator at Ratcliffe-on-Soar.”
“Declaring a climate emergency is like the first move of your pawn in a game of chess. There is a complex and long journey ahead in order to win the game – but it’s a game that needs rapid moves and cannot be lost.” said Katie, 29 a nurse from West Bridgford.
The Motion
In May 2019, a motion calling for Nottinghamshire County Council to set a carbon neutral target and implement an associated governance structure to closely monitor carbon emissions received unanimous support from Members of this Chamber.
In October 2020, the Council agreed to commit to carbon neutrality in all its activities by 2030 or as soon as possible thereafter.
This Council now formally agrees to declare a Climate Emergency, and to delegate the new Transport & Environment Committee to take the lead in considering, agreeing, and overseeing appropriate measures to achieve this authority’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality in all its activities by 2030.
All other committees of the Council will be expected to ensure that the decisions they take within their remit adhere to this principle, and the relevant actions agreed across all of these committees will be reported to Full Council on a regular basis so that every Member has an ongoing overview of the progress being made.
Councillor Ben Bradley MP Councillor Neil Clarke MBE Councillor Mike Adams