Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Sunday 11 August
A fine start will lead into a very hot day, with lengthy sunny periods and a humid feel given the light winds. There is a chance of isolated severe thunderstorms early and late, potentially with gusty winds and hail. Maximum temperature 35 °C.
Any remaining heavy showers and isolated thunderstorms should clear eastwards during the evening to leave a fine night. Gradually becoming fresher from the west. Minimum temperature 7 °C.
Markedly less hot. Starting fine with some warm sunshine, giving way to breezier conditions, cloud and eventually some rain for a time during the afternoon. Maximum temperature 27 °C.
Outlook for Wednesday to Friday:
Fine on Wednesday, however gradually becoming breezier and more unsettled through this period, with Thursday likely wettest. Markedly fresher by day and night.