11.7 C
West Bridgford
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Nottinghamshire weather for Sunday 1 September

Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Sunday 1 September.

Nottinghamshire weather for Sunday 1 September


•  Yellow warning for thunderstorms across Nottinghamshire on Sunday

•  Thundery showers forecast this weekend

  • Temperature: The temperature gradually increases from 17°C at 09:00 to a peak of 20°C between 14:00 and 20:00, then slightly decreases to 18°C by 23:00. The “feels like” temperature closely follows the actual temperature, indicating no significant difference due to factors like wind or humidity.
  • Wind Direction and Speed: The wind is predominantly from the East-Northeast (ENE) direction throughout the day, with a slight shift to Northeast (NE) in the late afternoon. The wind speed remains steady at 9 mph in the morning, decreasing gradually to 4 mph by late evening.
  • Wind Gusts: Wind gusts are highest in the morning, reaching up to 22 mph, and gradually decrease to 11 mph by the end of the day.
  • Visibility and Humidity: Visibility is generally good (G or VG) throughout the day, with relative humidity starting high at 87% and decreasing to 78% in the afternoon before rising again to 91% by the late evening.
  • UV Index: The UV index is moderate (2-3) in the early afternoon and low (1) later in the day.

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Low cloud and mist gradually clearing, but most parts staying rather cloudy. Thundery showers likely spreading north through the day, with a risk of frequent lightning, hail and torrential downpours, although some parts staying dry. Warm in any brighter spells. Maximum temperature 27 °C.


Isolated thundery showers developing overnight, with lightning and hail possible, although not all will see these. Winds easing and feeling rather humid. Minimum temperature 16 °C.


Cloudy start, with further heavy showers, perhaps thundery, but soon clearing north. Staying rather cloudy for much of the day, with further isolated showers possible. Some brighter spells possible later. Maximum temperature 23 °C.

Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:

A changeable period with showers at times, these heaviest and most frequent on Tuesday, with longer drier spells developing as the week goes on. Average temperatures for early September.

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