Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Thursday 3 October
A pleasant day ahead with mostly sunny skies and just a few passing clouds during the day.
As we move into the evening, expect increasing cloud cover, followed by clear skies later at night.
Chance of Rain: There’s minimal chance of rain today, with the likelihood of precipitation staying below 5% throughout the day, ensuring dry conditions.
Temperature: Temperatures will start off cool at 9°C around 8:00 AM, gradually warming up to a peak of 16°C by mid-afternoon at 3:00 and 4:00 PM. This evening, temperatures will begin to dip, reaching around 10°C by 11:00 PM.
Feels Like Temperature: It may feel a bit cooler than the actual temperature, starting at 7°C this morning and rising to a high of 14°C by late afternoon.
Wind: Winds will shift throughout the day, starting from the north-northeast in the morning and swinging to the east-northeast and then east by the afternoon. Wind speeds will range between 5 and 8 mph, with gusts reaching up to 22 mph. Expect lighter winds as we move into the evening.
Humidity: Humidity levels will drop significantly, starting at 91% this morning and falling to 54% by the afternoon. As night falls, humidity will rise again, ending the day at 85%.
Visibility: Visibility remains favorable, ranging from “Very Good” to “Excellent” during certain parts of the day.
UV Index: The UV index will start low at 1 this morning, peaking at a moderate level of 3 around midday, before dropping back to 1 in the evening.
Early mist and fog patches clearing quickly to give another fine and dry day with plenty of sunny spells. Winds will remain light. Maximum temperature 16 °C.
Outlook for Saturday to Monday:
Saturday likely to be another fine and dry day, although perhaps slightly breezier than previous days. Cloudy with outbreaks of rain Sunday, with sunny spells and showers Monday.