Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather on Friday 24 May
Often cloudy. Early light rain turning to showers.
Generally cloudy to start the day with outbreaks of rain and drizzle over the Peak District, this gradually easing. Brightening up with some sunny spells developing, perhaps with a few mostly light showers in northern and western areas. Maximum temperature 17 °C.
Mostly dry with clear spells, allowing chilly temperatures, with some fog patches developing. Perhaps becoming more cloudy in Lincolnshire by dawn. Minimum temperature 4 °C.
Most likely clouding over with some rain in northeastern areas, although there is uncertainty in timing and extent of rain. Elsewhere mostly dry with sunny spells, but perhaps isolated showers. Maximum temperature 18 °C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Early rain Sunday clearing, then sunny spells and heavy perhaps thundery showers for the rest of Sunday and Monday. Dry start Tuesday, but perhaps some rain arriving. Temperatures near average.