Residents in a Nottinghamshire village are objecting to an apartment block plan which some say is ‘monstrous’ and inappropriate even though it would replace a derelict site.
A developer has applied to Rushcliffe Borough Council build 37 one-bedroom apartments in Bunny Lane, Keyworth.
Applicant Bellco Developments wants to turn the former disused British Legion building and restaurant into a sustainable apartment block, retail units and office space.
It says the plan is a “huge opportunity” for the village.

But some residents have written objections to the application, saying they are “tacky”, and would “stick out like a sore thumb”.
Some of those who live in the nearby Woodleigh retirement apartments also say the new build would block their views.

And heritage community liaison officer Emily Gillott said there is the potential for human remains to be found on the land due to its proximity to the nearby church.
She said: “Given the potential for encountering human remains and earlier archaeological layers I would recommend that all groundworks be accompanied by a programme of archaeological control and supervision.”

The developer says the plans would give local start-up businesses the chance to use the office space or retail units.
The lower floor would feature five office spaces and six retail units and the upper floors would house the apartments, which the developer said will be suitable for those with reduced mobility.

Richard Wilson, who is a neighbour of the proposed development, described the plan as ‘monstrous’.
He said: “It is all we will see from our windows and gardens. It will block out all light from the sun and make our already small bungalows darker still.
“By building this, you will be taking away some of my only joy in life along with my neighbours.”
Anna Francis, who said she has family living in the bungalows behind the site, added: “I am fearful of their mental health and well being if this proposal goes ahead.
“The small bit of joy some of these elderly people at Woodleigh get, in sitting out in their tiny gardens enjoying some daylight, lovely sky, trees and wildlife to look at, will be destroyed.”
Nottinghamshire County Council says the 27 proposed parking spaces is considered to be low and advised the developer provide further information in a transport statement.
A spokesperson for Bellco Estates said: “ 2 Bunny Lane is a huge opportunity for the village, which will bring a high-profile, central site back to life.
“Importantly, this will be a proudly local development. As a Keyworth resident myself, we are keen to provide employment opportunities for the community, and we use an established design team with strong roots in the local area.
“Keyworth has struggled for a while now when it comes to catering for all facets of the housing market.
“While two bedroom detached starter homes are well placed to cater for couples, for example, they often remain out of reach for those looking to live independently for the first time.
“The accommodation element of 2 Bunny Lane will be suitable for single residents, including those with mobility issues that have not already been provided for by any of the other developments in the village.”
They added the building would also solve a shortage of space for independent shops and businesses in the area, and will be a sustainable development featuring electrical charging points and carbon neutral homes.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning committee will consider the plans, although a date has not yet been set.