Residents in Rushcliffe are being asked to give their views on potential updated laws to help promote more responsible dog ownership in the Borough focusing on dog fouling in public places and keeping a lead on pets in designated areas.
Rushcliffe Borough Council is asking for views in this short five-minute survey until December 16 on a proposed Dog Control Public Space Protection Order ( PSPO ) that could come into operation for three years from next April.
It would allow dog fouling laws to be modernised and brought up to date in line with the growth of the Borough’s communities and new housing developments, some of which do not currently fall under existing legislation.
Dog fouling on public footpaths and playing fields can cause many problems and in the worst cases can lead to blindness due to an infection called Toxocara canis.
If introduced, the new plans could see further clamp downs on irresponsible dog owners who allow their pets to foul on any open land the public has access to, with possible further fixed penalty notices and ensure dog owners have a means to pick up after they foul.
It will also allow for further action to be taken for dogs not being kept on a lead in specific areas such as parts of parks and open spaces, fenced or gated play and sports areas, cemeteries and churchyards.
Fixed penalty notices for any flouting of the rules would be £100, or a fine of up to £1,000 on prosecution, with responsibility for enforcement sitting with either the Council’s dog wardens or a management company operating on behalf of the authority.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We thank the vast majority of thousands of dog walkers who already follow all local rules on responsible dog ownership in public places and pick up after their dog and ensure they are on a lead at the right times.
“Please have your say on these potential new laws that are further seeking to protect public areas from the minority of owners who ignore the rules.
“We’re committed to making sure our enclosed children’s play areas and sport areas are as safe and clean as possible for all to enjoy. Due to the health risks associated with dog faeces we feel this is a reasonable measure to introduce and want to hear residents’ views.”
Consultation on the Proposed PSPO for dog fouling/control of dogs in public spaces
Rushcliffe Borough Council is proposing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to dog control, this will be for 3 years from April 2022 and will replace existing controls on dog fouling in the borough. We are consulting with the community to get their views on the proposal where the following activities must be adhered to:
- Dog faeces to be removed immediately from any open land in the Borough of Rushcliffe to which the public has access.
- Anyone in control of a dog must have with them a suitable means to pick up dog faeces whilst walking a dog and be deposited appropriately.
- Dogs to be kept on a lead in designated areas as directed by signage, ie Rushcliffe Park
- Dogs to be put on a lead when requested to do so by an authorised officer
- Dogs to be excluded from fenced/gated play and sports areas, cemeteries and churchyards.
Please complete the consultation on Survey Monkey to take part in the consultation.
Dog Fouling
Dog fouling on public footpaths and playing fields causes many problems. It can get on your shoes and clothes, or in the worse cases it can lead to blindness due to an infection called ‘Toxocara canis’.
The Council works hard to reduce the incidence of dog fouling in the borough, but there will always be a small number of inconsiderate people who fail to clean up after their dog.
Always take a bag with you to clear up your dog’s mess. The council provides a number of dog bins for you to dispose of the bags.
Reporting dog fouling
If you are annoyed by dog fouling then please help us track down the offenders. The Council will take action against offenders, but we need your help because we cannot monitor everywhere all of the time. If you witness an offence please contact us and tell us as much of the following information as possible, such as:
- The exact location
- The offender’s type of dog
- Description of the person in charge of dog
- If possible, their vehicle registration and details
- If possible, the address of the person committing the offence.
We will try and follow up any information the Council receives.
If you see someone committing a dog fouling offence or need to notify us of dog fouling, call us on 0115 981 9911 or report dog fouling online.
Dog Bins
The Council provide a number of dog bins throughout the Rushcliffe for residents to use. The frequency with which these bins are emptied depends upon their usage. If you notice an overflowing, broken or faulty bin, please complete the dog bin form online or call us on 0115 981 9911.
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Picture: Sign at Rushcliffe Country Park ©