Dog owners in Rushcliffe are being reminded to pick up after their pets and carry a bag or have other means to collect their waste, or face a possible £100 fine.
Rushcliffe Borough Council has thanked the vast majority of owners who always responsibly pick up after their pet but is aware that, unfortunately, not all follow the rules.
A borough-wide Dog Control Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is in place for all residents’ protection.
Action around it continues to focus on engaging and educating dog owners on their responsibilities, responding to complaints, monitoring hotspot areas, and applying fixed penalties where necessary.
Dog fouling on public footpaths and playing fields can cause many problems and, in the worst cases, can lead to blindness due to an infection called toxocariasis, caused by the roundworm Toxocara canis found in dog faeces.
The PSPO also allows for further action to be taken against those who do not observe dog exclusion zones, which apply to all children’s play areas, multi-use games areas, skate parks, and gym equipment zones that are either fenced or enclosed across the borough.
Engagement and action continue to ensure dogs are kept on a lead in the current ‘dogs on lead’ specified areas, such as at Rushcliffe Country Park, and always in line with local signage at each site.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety, Councillor Rob Inglis, said: “Thank you to the vast majority of dog owners who take their responsibilities seriously. To the minority who flout the rules, remember we monitor and apply fines, including for those who don’t carry bags.
“We are very keen to continue to protect residents from dog fouling. It’s unsightly and a health risk, and we will always take action to minimise problems where we can, especially when any localised issues are identified.”
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