Tuesday 21 May 2024
13 C

Video: Nottingham city GP pleads with public to help stop coronavirus spread

A city GP has shared an important message to the public as cases of coronavirus surge in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.


Following a dramatic increase in positive cases across the region, as well as a rise in the rate of infection, tougher restrictions are expected to be announced in the coming days.


Dr Husein Mawji, a GP at the Victoria and Mapperley Practice, has asked the Nottinghamshire public to follow guidelines and be safe over the weekend as restrictions loom next week.

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He said: “Numbers of coronavirus cases in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have risen significantly in the last week and we are likely to face local lockdown restrictions in the coming days. Whilst we all look forward to our weekends please don’t be tempted to have a last minute blow out this weekend before any lockdown measures come into place.


“I urge you all to observe the restrictions we have been asked to follow: only meeting in groups of 6 or less; wash your hands; wear a face covering and please maintain social distancing. I know that these restrictions are disruptive and hard but together we can get through this.”


Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council and district councils are urging people to take urgent steps now – which include not mixing indoors with people from other households and following social distancing guidelines.


Dr James Hopkinson, joint clinical leader at NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG, added: “This rapid increase in the numbers of positive Coronavirus cases is a serious cause for concern to local authorities and the NHS. The high rates mean that action is needed to reduce numbers and protect our vital services from becoming overwhelmed.

“The CCG, along with the local authority, is asking every resident to do their bit and not mix indoors with people from other households.


“If you have symptoms such as a high temperature, a continuous cough or loss of taste or smell – please self-isolate immediately and book a test by calling 119 or by going online to gov.uk. Please do not go to A&E or call your GP to get a test.”

Find out more information about how to get a coronavirus test here: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test


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