Residents and groups in Rushcliffe are being asked to acknowledge their unsung community, sporting, business and health heroes in the Borough Council’s community accolades, the Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards.
In conjunction with media partner West Bridgford Wire, it will celebrate the Borough’s wonderful volunteers, businesses, clubs, organisations, environmentalists, sports teams and athletes and the best of its health and wellbeing and food and drink sectors.
It will also be an opportunity to reflect on those that continue to play pivotal roles in the COVID-19 pandemic and how so many groups and individuals have played incredible parts in assisting Rushcliffe communities and local enterprise in times of need.
Nominations for the 10 awards are now open at until 11pm on Monday October 18.
Winners will be announced and celebrated in a ceremony in the Borough later this year.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Mayor Cllr Sue Mallender said: “The Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards will highlight some of the outstanding individuals and organisations who truly play their part in ensuring the Borough is a great place to live, has great sport and a great lifestyle.
“It will celebrate a cross section of our communities and the efforts so many people make to be a success in their chosen voluntary efforts, industry or field to contribute to the quality of life in their part of Rushcliffe.
“As in 2020, we will no doubt again celebrate those who have played inspiring roles in supporting their communities in light of COVID-19 as we all continue to help each other.
“Get nominating your heroes now and who you feel deserves acknowledgement for all they have given or achieved.”
The award categories are:
- Volunteer of the Year
An individual or group who gives countless hours and dedication to a Rushcliffe community.
- Business of the Year
Recognising a business in the Borough that supports the local community. This could be through employing local people and apprentices, growing their business, providing work experience or putting profit back into the Rushcliffe economy.
- Young Person/Group of the Year
An individual or group to watch in the future or being an excellent role model for other young people to emulate.
- Community Group of the Year
Recognising a club, organisation or community group who may have achieved success and are helping create a sense of place, epitomising what makes Rushcliffe great by coming together to improve their local area.
- Sportsperson of the Year
An individual who has achieved great success in their chosen sport, made a significant impact in their sport or in their club or team, been a role model for others and raised the profile of their sport or made considerable improvement in their performances and achievements.
- Sports Team of the Year
Acknowledging a team who has achieved success in their sport through diversity, competition or overcoming barriers to enable people to participate.
- Food and Drink Establishment of the Year
Recognising a fantastic outlet who provide quality, provenance, and presentation as well as being the best place for a cuppa, sandwich, pint, pizza, or pie.
- Health and Wellbeing Award
Celebrating an individual’s or group’s tireless dedication in improving the health and wellbeing of members of their local community.
- Environmental Group or Project of the Year
Acknowledging individuals, organisations or projects that have an impact in making Rushcliffe a ‘greener’ place. This could include promoting nature conservation, reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, water conservation or improving quality of life for the people of the Borough.
- The Pride of Rushcliffe Award
An individual or organisation who makes others proud to live in Rushcliffe. This could be an inspirational sportsperson, public figure or head of a community or voluntary group who leads by example to make the Borough a better place to live and work.
Kate Cox from The Good Weigh in Lady Bay, last year’s winner of the Environmental Group or Project of the Year award said: “I would encourage everyone to nominate local people, groups or businesses for a Celebrating Rushcliffe Award.
“Being acknowledged by local people and winning an award was an amazing feeling, moments like it really make all the hard work worth it and want you to achieve even more for a local community.
“It’s been such a tough 18 months for everyone, please take the time to let local people know you value their input and presence where they live.”
Pat Gamble at West Bridgford Wire said:
‘The previous awards have shown there are some incredible unsung heroes in our communities that do things for no expectation of reward, the Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards goes some way to bringing these to light – as well as giving residents an opportunity to vote for their favourite business or organisation in the above categories.
‘It’s great that this year we should be able to get back to a proper ceremony again after last year’s virtual event and we’re very proud to be a part of it.’