Cotgrave Candleby Lane School has been judged to be an Outstanding school by Ofsted in an inspection which took place in December.
In a glowing report which found the school Outstanding in all areas judged, inspectors said ‘All pupils at Cotgrave Candleby Lane School flourish. The school’s relentless focus on providing the highest-possible quality of education enables all pupils to excel.’
The school’s curriculum is described as ‘…extremely well designed and implemented fully by staff’ and is ‘…underpinned by a clear vision of a ‘love of learning’, where ‘…pupils across the school develop a rich and deep body of knowledge over time.’
Children are described as eager to attend school each day, resulting in high attendance. Inspectors said, ‘The school has developed a thoughtful and well-planned personal development programme that is rooted in the values of the school. This helps pupils to develop a thorough understanding of how to stay safe and healthy.’
Speaking of her pride in the outcome is Claire Lindsay, Headteacher, who said: “This amazing achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of our entire school community – from our exceptional children to our committed staff and supportive parents.
“I would like to thank the fantastic staff team; their dedication to create an engaging and supportive learning environment where high quality provision is delivered has been instrumental in shaping the positive outcomes observed during the inspection.
“I want to thank each member of our teaching and support staff for their tireless efforts in ensuring the best possible education for our children.”
Inspectors recognised the broad opportunities for children at the school saying:
‘Pupils have access to a rich set of wider opportunities. Staff plan many outings for pupils which help to develop their learning.’
‘Also that, ‘Pupils delight in the vast array of high-quality enrichment activities that the school offers.
‘For example, pupils are keen to attend coding club, led by pupil digital leaders. Pupils can enjoy football, art, music and cooking clubs.’
Describing children at Cotgrave Candleby Lane School the report says, ‘Pupils live by the school’s three expectations of: ‘be kind, be safe, be ready to learn’. Their behaviour is exemplary. Pupils show kindness and respect towards one another. They feel safe and are kept safe.’
One child who is a ‘peer mentor’, told inspectors how they ensure fellow pupils are supported at social times, and of the pride they take in their role, saying, ‘I can lift spirits and make someone feel like they are better.’
Pupil Eva Haddow is in year 6 at the school and said, “I am very proud of my school and this result is incredible. I am not surprised at the result though! It’s really easy to make friends here and the teachers are very nice. Behaviour is good and it is easy to be yourself.”
Eva loves learning and says her favourite lessons are Maths and Science, but says she always tries to be there for other pupils during their day, “I really like helping other pupils and everyone is encouraged to be kind. I do want to inspire younger children to be kind and that is why I try to help so much. I hope everyone is as proud as I am of my school.”
Governors and The Flying High Partnership, the school’s multi-academy trust are described as having ‘integral roles in developing this exceptional school’. Staff were recognised as making ‘full use of the latest educational research to inform teaching, learning and curriculum development. The school also delivers the highest-quality ongoing training to staff. As a result, staff are exceedingly well equipped to design learning activities that enable pupils to thrive.’
Chris Wheatley is a former Headteacher at the school and now serves as CEO of The Flying High Partnership, the multi-academy trust he founded at Cotgrave Candleby Lane School back in 2012. He said, “This fantastic news means so much to me. As a former Headteacher at the school I still feel very much a part of the Cotgrave community. I am thrilled that the school is rightly recognised for consistently bringing the highest quality of education, care and happiness to children. My heartfelt congratulations go to the children, families and staff at this fantastic school, -you are truly flying high!”
Inspectors described reading as being at the heart of the school’s provision, ensuring children learn well across the whole curriculum and in all year groups. ‘Children in the early years get off to a flying start’ says the report. ‘They display a real thirst for learning. There are well-established routines and high expectations of children’s learning. Children live up to these expectations. They are confident, motivated and happy learners.’
The school is also recognised for meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), with the report stating that, ‘The school identifies the additional needs of pupils quickly and accurately’ and that, ‘Staff take extreme care to ensure that all pupils with SEND can access the plentiful enrichment opportunities that the school offers to enhance their learning.’
Summing up the experiences of children, inspectors said, ‘Pupils are incredibly proud of their school. One pupil, typical of many, said, ‘This is the best school in the whole universe.’
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