A domestic abuser labelled a ‘danger to women’ faces many more years in jail.
Daley Oldham, aged 38, has a history of violence against women and was previously given an indeterminate prison sentence for serious assaults against two other women.
After his release on licence, he met another woman and later subjected her to similar abuse – breaking her jaw during an argument before forcing her to lie about how it happened.
Oldham came to the attention of Nottinghamshire Police in September 2018 after a series of calls about his violent and controlling behaviour.
He was later arrested when he was caught trying to gain access to his victim’s house.
His licence was revoked, and he has been in jail ever since.
Still fearful of potential retribution, his victim initially withdrew from the legal process before reengaging with officers in in 2022.
Oldham had previously denied all the allegations against him and waited until June this year – after the start of his trial at Stoke Crown Court – to plead guilty to a charge of causing grievous bodily harm.
The charge relates to an incident in 2015 when he punched his victim to the ground during an argument – leaving her with a broken jaw.
Oldham then prevented her from going to hospital until she agreed to mislead medical staff about the cause of her injury.
Under Oldham’s instruction she claimed she’d been struck accidentally by another man during a night out.
Oldham, of HMP Ranby, appeared for sentence at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday and was jailed for a further two years and three months.
He was also made subject to a restraining order forbidding any further contact with this victim.
Once he has completed his sentence he will remain in prison until he is considered safe for release.
Detective Constable Janet Percival, of Nottinghamshire Police, said:
“Oldham is a danger to women who was clearly unchanged by his initial spell behind bars.
“Indeed, it says much about his character that even after he was returned to jail his victim remained utterly terrified of him.
“He will now spend even more time behind bars where he can no longer cause such harm to others.
“That is a great result not only for the victim in this case and her family, but also for the other potential victims who have now been protected by her bravery and determination.
“So as this case comes to a close, I would like to put on record my thanks to her for sticking with this case and seeing it through court.”
The following organisations offer support to survivors of domestic abuse within Nottinghamshire.
Nottinghamshire Police is part of the Make Yourself Heard Campaign, which aims to show people how they can report an emergency when it is not safe to speak.
Dialling 55 after calling 999 takes you through to a silent call service, whereby call handlers will give you specific directions on how to report your emergency.
Support is also available via the freephone 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline number – run by Refuge – on 0808 2000 247 and online at www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk
Police Silent Solution: https://www.policeconduct.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Documents/research-learning/Silent_solution_guide.pdf
For more information about Domestic Abuse please read this supporting survivors of domestic abuse page.
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid website
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid provides an extensive range of services for women, young people and children.
Newark Women’s Aid provides safe accommodation, with associated support services, for women with or without children, who are living with or have experienced any form of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological or economic abuse. Tel: 01636 679687
The UK’s only registered charity arranging Non-Molestation Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders & Occupation Orders
Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic violence and abuse.
It offers emotional support, practical advice and information on a wide range of services for further help and support.
Juno’s 24-hour domestic and sexual violence helpline offers support to women, teenage girls and children who have been affected by domestic or sexual abuse.
Tel: 0808 800 0340
Email: enquiries@junowomensaid.org.uk
Deaf and hearing-impaired women can access the Helpline by:
Text Relay/NGT: 18001 0808 800 0340 24 hours a day
Email: helpline@junowomensaid.org.uk daily, 9am – 9pm
Equation: Domestic abuse support for men
Equation provide a free helpline for men which is available Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm.
A 24/7 confidential answerphone service is also available.
Call: 0115 960 5556
Email: helpline@equation.org.uk
Nottinghamshire Alliance Against Violence
Make a stand against violence. ‘Like’ our Alliance Against Violence Facebook page
Nottinghamshire Independent Domestic Abuse Service website
NIDAS is a registered charity, formerly known as Mansfield and Ashfield Women’s Aid.
Its aim is to help people experiencing domestic abuse.
They work hard with other agencies to raise awareness of domestic abus
Karma Nirvana is a registered charity that supports victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour-based abuse.
A free to download app providing support and information to those affected by Domestic Abuse, available in 5 languages, has a unique directory of support services and links of further resources including a journal which you can record incidents.
Safeguarding people- a simple shake or tap activates Hollie guard, immediately notifying your chosen contacts, pinpointing your location and sending audio and video evidence directly to their mobile phones.
Broxtowe Women’s Project (BWP)
BWP are here to help women living in the Borough of Broxtowe who are experiencing domestic abuse.We provide a confidential helpline, outreach service, training courses and drop in sessions, all aimed at empowering women and to help them survive domestic abuse.
Find out more about our services below.
Call us if you need our help on 01773 719 111 or email enquiries@broxtowewp.org