Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV, pollen count and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather on Sunday 12 May
Another bright warm day, with showers in the west later.
Any early low cloud and mist lifting and clearing quickly during the morning. Otherwise bright and warm with possibly thundery showers developing across the Pennines into the evening. Maximum temperature 24 °C.
Some isolated heavy and thundery showers perhaps moving across the region overnight but many areas likely staying dry. Remaining fairly mild. Minimum temperature 12 °C.
Any early showers becoming more isolated through the day to give largely dry conditions for most with plenty of brightness and temperatures remaining warm. Maximum temperature 24 °C.
Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:
Turning cooler, with more persistent rain into the afternoon on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday generally brighter but the risk of showers continues and some early low cloud is possible.
• Incredible images of the Aurora Borealis seen from Nottingham