A landlord was shocked to find his rented property in Nottingham transformed into a cannabis factory.
Police attended the address in Radford Bridge Road on Thursday 17 August after receiving a call from a landlord.
The landlord had attended the address and found a cannabis grow in the rear upstairs bedroom.
More than 70 plants were discovered. No one was at the address and officers are now conducting a number of lines of inquiry.
Officers believe the property was being adapted for the production of cannabis as some of the equipment was new and unused.
The electricity had also been bypassed.
Neighbourhood Inspector Gordon Fenwick said: “Cannabis factories like this can cause immeasurable damage to a property.
“They are also incredibly dangerous. Bypassed electricity makes the property a fire risk, putting residents’ properties and lives in potential danger.
“We would always encourage landlords and letting agents to regularly check their properties to ensure they are being occupied by genuine renters.
“We would also encourage anyone who has suspicions that a cannabis factory is being set up on their street to contact us as soon as possible and we will act on any intelligence we receive.”